Planned works
- Reconstruction of bridge at Hajduszovát
- Budapest, XVI.district. Tekla u. 5-7.reconstruction of a boarding house hanging corridor
Finished works
- 1. Budapest, Széchenyi Thermal Spa sauna the reconstruction of slab in 2015.
Used materials:- WSG watertight primer: 40 kgs
- WSG walldrying plaster: 200 kgs
- 2. Budapest, Rudas Thermal Spa and Swimming pool stone wall repair work in June 2015.
- Contractor: Creo-Team Kft.
- Used materials:
- WSG watertight primer: 20 kgs
- WSG walldrying plaster: 80 kgs
- 3. Beach-house on Vir-island (Croatia)
- Location of house: beach zone
- 4. Network of Forensic Science Institutes - basement level flooding repair of BOI DNS lab
- BOI DNS labor pinceszinti ázása javítása
- Location: 70-78 Fő street, 1027 Budapest
- Contractor: Szép Ház Bau Kft.
- Used materials:
- WSG watertight plaster: 40 kgs
- WSG walldrying plaster: 1150 kgs
- 5. Regional drinking water improvement program of Békés county: manholes of branch supply line – 16 pcs – watertight sealing
- Locations: Körösladány, Körösladányban a Sebes körös átfúrásánál, Mezőberény, Mezőberényben a Kettős körös,Csorvás, Tótkomlós, Nagyszénás, Battonya, Lőkösháza, Gerendás, Medgyesbodzás, Magyardombegyház, Nagykamarás
- Contractor: MOLEKULA SZEGED KFT (52 Kastélykert street, Algyő)
- Used materials:
- WSG watertight insulator plaster 6.075 kgs
- WSG watertight primer 325 kg
- WSG thick layered watertight floor screed 200 kgs